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  1. IPMI plugin for unRAID 6.1+ This plugin is for viewing the local or remote sensors and event logs of a motherboard with ipmi. Sensors can be viewed in basic or advanced mode. Sensor reading color will be green if between non critical, yellow for critical and red for non recoverable. Event Log can clear all or individual events. Sensors page will refresh every 10 sec while viewing it. You can turn on event notification warnings and remote lan monitoring from the settings page. 1. Copy the plugin url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/IPMI-unRAID/master/plugin/ipmi.plg 2. Paste url into install plugin text input and click install 3. There will be an IPMI tool icon under the Tools menu/ UnRAID OS 4. This will install freeipmi and modprobe ipmi drivers 5. There is a settings page at /Settings/IPMI for event notifications, remote ipmi monitoring and temp/fan sensors to be displayed in the webpage footer. You can pick any four temp or fan sensor to display at the bottom of the unRAID webGui. 6. You can acces the sensor readings and events by navigating to Tools/IPMITools or clicking the Readings button on the settings page. You can test notifications either by sticking your finger in a fan [emoji33] or from the command line "ipmitool event 1" (you can also use 2 or 3) No need for bloody fingers or command line foo anymore, there's a button on the settings page for testing events. It cycles through 5 different events that are either warnings or alerts. IPMI fan control is supported for ASRock and Supermicro X10/X11 only. For Asrock boards there's a configure button that automatically sets any active fan to their location relative to the ipmi-raw command. If you change or add fan headers you will need to rerun configuration. Then set up temp sensor to monitor for the fan and the temp hi/lo thresholds. Setting a fan to auto will use the systems smart fan settings. There's also a minimum option to keep a fan from going below a certain percentage and a maximum to limit the highest fan speed. I've added some extra command line scripts. They will use network connection or local from the plugin as well as filter ignored sensors. They will accept any commands line options that their counterpart accept. They are ipmisensors, ipmisel, ipmifru and ipmiraw. All comments and sugestions are welcome. ipmitool is not part of the plugin anymore but here's a link to the package https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/source/packages/ipmitool-1.8.13-x86_64-1_slack.txz Both of these are compiled under 6.2 so they may not work on 6.1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/source/packages/ipmitool-1.8.17-x86_64-1.txz https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/source/packages/ipmiutil-3.0.0-x86_64-1.txz Supermicro Motherboards You need to set the thresholds for the fans to a lower value or they will spin up to full speed constantly. The reason for this is because the default threshold is usually 700 rpms. So if the fan's rpms drop below this the bmc spins the fans up to full speed. I have mine set all three thresholds for each fan at 200 - 300 rpms. You can also use the fan speed minimum % setting to help keep the fans above the thresholds you set. I have mine set to 28-34%. To set the thresholds for to the config editor tab. Then select sensors config and scroll down to each fan and change the thresholds. I set all three thresholds for FANA to 200. The fans on this header are for my hard drives. I set all the other fans to 300. These are my case and CPU fans. Just click save after you're done. You may have to click load config @ unraid start if the settings aren't persistent after a reboot. IPMI Commands ############################################# # ASRock # ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH # 00 = smartfan mode # 01 - 64 = 1% - 100% ############################################# ############################################# # ASRock Dual Socket # ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 CPU_1_OVERRIDE CPU_1 REAR_1 FRONT_1 FRONT_2 FRONT_3 # ipmi-raw 00 3a 11 CPU_2_OVERRIDE CPU_2 REAR_2 FRONT_4 # ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 00 AA BB CC DD EE # ipmi-raw 00 3a 11 00 AA BB CC ############################################# ############################################# # Supermicro X10/X11 # ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 64 # ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 AA BB CC # # AA # 00 - Get value # 01 - Set value # # BB # 00 - FAN 1/2/3/4 or CPU_FAN1/2 # 01 - FAN A or SYS_FAN1/2/3 # # CC # 00 to 64 - Set Speed (0-64) ############################################# ############################################# # Supermicro X9 # ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 3 00 FF # ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 3 BB CC # # BB # 10 - FAN 1/2/3/4 # 11 - FAN A # # CC # 00 to FF - Set Speed (0-255) ############################################# Change Log ###2020.08.24 - fix hard drive spin down by using unraid hdd temps - update dashboard to match new ui - fix missing sensor icons - update to freeipmi 1.6.4 ###2019.02.08 - add remaining fa icons ###2019.01.25 - remove all icons and convert to fa fonts - fix summarized notification misalignment caused by tablesorter css ###2019.01.24 - update settings icon to fa font ###2018.12.31 - add support for Supermicro boards with CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN fan names ###2018.11.10 - add fixed fan control page conditions - add more css and js autov thanks to ljm42 ###2018.11.08a - fix remove fan control page condition ###2018.11.08 - add fan control support for virtual machines ###2018.11.04 - fix full fans add delay to script start ###2018.11.03 - fix bmc cold reset - fix config editor not showing errors - update tablesorter to v2.31.0 ###2018.10.14 - update fan control script ###2018.06.03 - fix scaled fan control thanks to gmk2 ###2018.05.20a - move range from json to global var ###2018.05.20 - format min and max percentages to one decimal place - add support for Supermicro X9 boards - set Supermicro boards to full speed mode (other modes seem to interfere with script) ###2017.12.14 - add compatibility with System Temp plugin - add support for any sensor display in footer - reformat footer display ###2017.11.29 - fix fan control rc.local_shutdown command options ###2017.11.26 - fix plugin install services starting when disabled - fix bmc reset and editor save success/error return - add sensor cache flush to bmc reset ###2017.11.24 - fix footer refresh rate ###2017.11.11 - fix network settings not saving - change Dash page and Fan Control page condition check - misc minor bug fixes ###2017.10.30 - fix network password encoding on settings page - fix: remove info page error from freeipmi package ###2017.10.27 - upgrade freeipmi to 1.5.7 - fix fan control full and auto speed for ASRock dual socket boards - add hard drive selection for display sensors and Readings - get hard drives for HDD Temperature from emhttp devices - if available get unassigned drive temps from UA plugin ###2017.10.26 - add support for ASRock dual socket boards - misc fixes and code cleanup ###2017.10.23 - add hard drive selection for fan control - add lock file to enable or disable fan control page - fix fan control start and stop - fix default settings buttons - add workaround to starting services during plugin install - add more towards dual socket Asrock, not there yet ###2017.10.09 - add support for dual socket to ipmi2json script only ###2017.10.06 - change fancontrol min and max to show percentage instead of 1 -64 - update help ###2017.10.02 - fix css and stickyheaders for new themes - move cdnjs to local - properly fix dropdown checklist tab refresh/switch ###2017.06.26 - revert previous changes till for more testing ###2017.06.25 - change Temperature Polling Times. You will need to change settings, save and restart fan control. - add fan max speed ###2017.06.19 - fix Supermicro auto fan setting - stopping fan control returns fans to original mode - update ipmifan auto and full speed functions ###2017.06.18a - add zone fan control support for Supermicro X10 and X11 boards - add support for new 6.4 themes - combine Sensor Editor and Config Editor and move to Settings page - restructure Settings page vars and forms - fix incorrect colors vs readings when missing thresholds - change bmc reset from warm to cold reset - update codemirror cdn - update freeipmi to 1.5.5 - remove board log file and switch to dmidecode for board info instead of ipmi-fru - misc fixes and code improvements ###2017.01.27 - update and harden code for security - update codemirror for sensor and config editor - add: search and replace functions for config editor ###2016.10.22 - fix: min/max version in plugin ###2016.10.19 - fix: min/max version in plugin - fix: cached board status set add unknown ###2016.10.17 - fix: board not recognized and fancontrol disbaled ###2016.10.12 - fix: load kernel driver ###2016.10.10 - fix: plugin file ###2016.10.09 - fix: quiet modprobe - update for min/max and 6.3 ###2016.10.07a - fix: add padding to single digit percentage for ###2016.10.07 ###2016.10.06a - fix: array_key_error on fans page ###2016.10.06 - add: update to freeipmi-1.5.3 - add: automatic system specific configuration of ipmi fans for ASRock boards - fix: move boards.json to board.json - fix: cache board type to speed up settings page - fix: minor fixes, cleanup and remove depreciated code - fix: css affecting dashboard - fix: unRaid 6.3 compatibility ###2016.09.29 - fix: remove quotes from OEM Reserved readings ###2016.10.24 - update codemirror for sensor and config editor - add: search and replace functions for config editor ###2016.09.28a - add: show readings for OEM Reserved in dashboard - add: ability to select OEM Reserved to display in footer ###2016.09.28 - add: show readings for OEM Reserved e.g. Supermicro temp readings - fix: hard drives reading showing 0 when spun down ###2016.09.20 - fix: inaccurate error when running fancontrol while disabled ###2016.09.16 - update tablesorter to 2.27.6 ###2016.07.22 - fix: fan control not setting fans to auto when stopped - fix: fan control not setting fan min (only setting a value of 1) - fix: fan log percentage 0% when fan min is used - thanks to piotrasd for the testing ###2016.05.17 - fix: workaround for dynamix plugin update api not refreshing after update (remove update message) - fix: workaround for dynamix drop down checklists bug (F5 on other tab breaks ddcl) - fix: refresh Settings tab on tab1 click for ddcl bug - fix: convert fan control settings to name based instead of number based (you'll need to setup fancontrol again) - fix: check for board manufacturer - add: remove auto board.json update and add manual Check for Updates button - add: update fan logging: add start/stop messages and fan speed changes are in the form Fan Name(%):Temp Sensor(°C) - add: ignored sensors to fan control page - add: ignored sensors and command line arguments to CL helper scripts: ipmisensors, ipmisel and ipmifru - add: Dashboard settings for all sensors, deselect all to disable Dashboard - remove: Dashboard switch and types ###2016.05.16 - add: Dashboard will show any sensor if state is not nominal - fix: Dashboard summary switch default to On - fix: no sensors if localhost and network enabled - fix: no sensors displayed if ignore is empty Thanks to ljm42 - fix: remove depreciated network check in footer display Thanks ljm42 ###2016.05.15 - fix: condense code, remove excess files - fix: readings page buttons alignment - fix: sensors refresh rate first time dash or readings page is loaded - add: update ipmi check method and network checks (move into fuctions) - add: color to sensor readings in footer based on sensor state - add: tablesorter reset for all tables (1st click is ascending, 2nd is descending and third 3rd is unsorted) - add: settings drop down check list for sensor select and ignore - add: settings drop down check list for Dashboard sensor type (uncheck all: hides IPMI Dashboard Summary) - add: Dashboard summary page and hide switch - fix: motherboard logos not showing ###2016.05.10a - fix: local ipmi check Thanks to ljm42 ###2016.05.10 - add: CL helper scripts ipmisensors and ipmisel that use network settings if network is enabled - add: motherboard logos - add: ability to use any fan or temp sensor in footer - add: settings and readings tabs to Settings and Tools menu - add: ipmi sensors configuration to readings page - add: ipmi system configuration editor to settings page - add: ability to edit, save and load on boot ipmi sensor configuration e.g. sensor thresholds - add: help button text - add: Dynamix plugin update API - add: ipmi fan control for ASRock boards only - (based on fans being named: CPU_FAN1, CPU_FAN2, REAR_FAN1, REAR_FAN2, FRNT_FAN1, FRNT_FAN2) - add: select fan control ip address - add: advanced view for fan control options - fix: show separate status on each settings page - add: highest array hard drive temp as a sensor - add: abbreviated units to readings, change units column to type column - fix: reduce footer footprint - fix: network options ###2016.04.27 - fix: network timeout ###2016.03.27 - fix: add check for valid date ###2016.03.26 - fix: change date format function ###2016.03.25 - fix: archived events page update on event delete - fix: archived events with same timestamp - fix: archived events tablesorter pager ###2016.03.24 - update for 6.2 to freeipmi 1.5.1 - new installs on 6.2 will work fine - 6.2 users with previous install will need to reboot or install libgcrypt-1.6.5 (temporarily) to use freipmi 1.5.1 - libgcrypt-1.6.5 is included with unRAID 6.2 and previous versions downgraded it to 1.5.5 to use freeipmi 1.4.11 - http://ftp.slackware.com/pub/slackware/slackware64-current/slackware64/n/libgcrypt-1.6.5-x86_64-1.txz - fix: bug local ipmi timeout webgui to wait for ipmi (only affected systems without local ipmi) - changed backup events to archived events - add archived event page and switch ###2016.03.14 - update freeipmi package - fix virtual machines not auto starting due to /etc/init.d directory created by freeipmi package ###2016.03.13 - add test button for sending sample notification events - move ID column to advanced - fix temp units not showing in footer - add backup switch to backup events when clearing them ###2016.03.12 - converted to using freeipmi instead of ipmitool - add support for multiple ipmi hosts local, network or both together - add an extra fan display so you have 2 temp and 2 fan in footer - add different warning levels based on event state - fix race condition on reading of sensors and events - add highlights and filters to tables - add settings button to readings page and reading button to settings page - add polling time to event monitoring - code optimizations #####2016.02.22 - fix: advanced changed to fixed instead of toggle ###2016.02.15a - fix: array combine error for sensors with non uniform data ###2016.02.15 - update tablesorter - add: fan control page and status - fan control Not functional yet - add: settings for temps and fan display - add: temp and fans readings to footer - move event daemon start and stop functions to rc scripts - remove daemon start and stop with array - move daemon start process to plugin install - move daemon stop process to rc.local_shutdown ###2016.01.17 - add tablesorter as a separate package - fix values outside of critical showing green - add icons instead of switches - minor code changes ###2015.12.30 - remove old plugin directory on install ###2015.12.20 - fixed "Waiting for events" triggering notification on system start - reorganize events page - add switchbuttons - move from UnRAID OS to System Information under Tools menu - add unRAID version check ###2015.12.11 - change repo - change install and remove method ###2015.11.17 - fix permissions for emhttp events ###2015.11.10b - whoops deleted sensors page ###2015.11.10 - stop event monitoring on plugin removal ###2015.11.09 - minor bug fixes ###2015.11.08 - add settings page - add event notifications - add remote IPMI access ###2015.08.15 - update for unRAID 6.1-rc+ only ###2015.05.07a - fix bug ###2015.05.07 - initial unRAID 6 release.
    1 point
  2. You could place all your drives in a new machine with all data still available. You would need to know which was the parity drive. There are ways to determine this, but a simple text or spreadsheet document (located remotely) with drive sn’s and assignments makes this much simpler. Using CA Backup to maintain a backup of the flash drive will also simplify your new setup since you won’t have to reinstall all your plugins and such. Getting a new license for a replacement flash drive is also automated and very quick.
    1 point
  3. That's a great pic of your daughter helping you, I can only hope when my little girl is older we can share some PC building experiences together!
    1 point
  4. You shouldn't be getting any parity errors if you rebuilt parity after changing the configuration.
    1 point
  5. The delay on spin up is normal, the low performance when only one disk is spun up it's not, at least I've never noticed that nor do I remember seeing anyone else with a similar issue.
    1 point
  6. I was able to get everything put together. The motherboard came with 16gb of ram (4x 4gb sticks). I ended up swapping them out for 128gb of ram. After doing some digging I'm finding that most people do not need that much. I was previously a freeNas user and they suggest 1gb ram for every 1tb of storage. My daughter ended up putting the whole thing together
    1 point
  7. Admittedly I didn't read you entire post (TLDR), but the above is quite normal on many add-on controllers (not just SAS). The alternative is to utilize spinup groups where disk A, B, and C will all spin up simultaneously when any of them are accessed, or to always keep the drives spinning.
    1 point
  8. looks like a permissions problem on the appdata directory for the docker.... (maybe try doing a newperms on that directory (only)). Have you changed the appdata directory to where you need it to be? Just tried it on mine and it is still working well
    1 point
  9. no idea sorry, as i suspect this is more likely to be an issue with the application rather than the container itself your best bet is to post your question on the github/forum for the application, it could well be a newly introduced bug.
    1 point
  10. For me to run configure in the GUI I had to turn fan control on, press apply, and then turn it off and press apply, and that allowed me to use the configure option. Even though when I initially started it the gui said it was stopped.
    1 point
  11. Hello and thank you for an awesome docker image. I have airsonic docker running on my unRAID server with LDAP and externally exposed behind an nginx reverse proxy with letsencrypt. I am trying to frame https://sonic.mydomain.com within https://othersite.mydomain.com with x-frame-options. I have the correct rule on my reverse proxy, but the site still does not render in iframe. Is there a web server in the docker container or a config within airsonic that I need to change to enable rendering in iframe? Thanks in advance for your help.
    1 point